Our House

Our House
Before: House. After: Home!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Early December Framing.....errrr.... Demo Progress

December has meant lots of progress on the framing of our house, well really - the framers have been busy continuing to demolish our house! How can there be more to remove/destroy/take out?!? We feel like Christmas came early because we see progress every time we visit.

Check out the photos to see what's been going on......

Loving seeing the framers there each day. Sometimes there
are as many as 12 of them working at any given time.

This is a view from the old 1st floor master bedroom (future
family room) looking up to the wall that will become the
mudroom. I'm trying to show that the exterior siding is still
hiding under the walls; reconfirming what we knew - the
back room was an addition to the home in the 1960s.

I realllllly like the sweet broom one of the
framers made out of a hockey stick :)

We got even MORE wood delivered!
I would be thrilled, except more lumber
at this point means more $$$. Ah well.
This is all part of the experience.

Dumpster on the left, giant pile of rubble on the right. Why
isn't the rubble in the dumpster?!?

The 1st floor bathroom used to be here;
the walls, even the studs, came down. The floor
including the subfloor has been removed.
It would be really hard to find more to
remove here!

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